Modern World.
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Letting go of someone you once truly cared about possibly is one of the most common thing we all face from time to time. The sad truth is that no one really ever masters it - there are no simple guides or steps to follow that could mitigate any difficulty involved. We all fall at the mercy of turning this uncomfortable, to say the least, situation into something that we can, with dignity, look back and reminisce the "good old days".

What then is a smart way around it?

I figure there is no easy way; and it is probably not worthy trying to discover any.

I really hate this. I absolutely thought I had moved on to a happy place where I could roam around alone with the greatest of ease, with no tinge of regrets that I may have missed out on anyone. But the 'aha' moment when all previous efforts have failed seeped right from underneath. What happens when someone cannot put down his cellphone for one second during a movie and you clearly know it is someone in particular; not just A person. Firstly, it is rather impolite to be engaging in another conversation whilst being with another person. But that really is not the issue that's bugging us, isn't it?

Who the hell is he talking to?

That is the question. Some of us may choose to coyly intrude and fake an inquiry; others like myself choose to silently (or schemingly) peep over the corner of our eyes or end up making uninformed, wild guesses and eventually write about those heavy insecurities.

Another question to ask myself is: why do you care? I wish I could say "I don't" with the most callous tone possible; but like I always think: some people just get under your skin, and stay there. No matter how much you try to erase them from one part of your life, the remnants of those memories are just docile, not non-existent. That simply translates, "you're screwed for this person, embrace it and live your life".

I guess I am not really bothered by the fact that he's meeting someone new. As a friend, I truly am grateful that he had finally gone over the needy, self-trolling phase and now into a vibrant and young-again state of mind. That is crucial to anyone - especially, when you need the confidence to attract new mates. True story: upon returning from Europe, I experienced a surge in popularity that I can't really explain except maybe because I had this aura of fresh and seen-the-world attitude that some find appealing. But I digress, that shall be a story for another time.

So, at this point, you may wonder, what point am I driving at? What do I intend to do about it? Well, this warrants a serious consideration of my current emotional connection with this person and we will just have to act from there. Lying and game-playing are not really my strong suits. But disappointingly, I think they are his. I will not be coerced into any pivotal decisions quickly nor will I allow myself to get obsessed with this all over again. I think it is about time I be cool about whatever goes on around me. I shall not ask whether there has been complete moving on for I can't be sure myself. But one thing for sure, there is never an end to this, until we both see each other in a different light or stop treating each other like a back-up plan.

How can you decide, if there is any value left in the relationship? Do you stick around to find out, or would you just leave?

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