Taiwan & Pornography
1 May. 0230h. TPE to SIN. EVA Air. 4h flight. Headache and flu. Unpleasant.
The flight was terrible but the experience was refreshing.
Basically, my task there was simple: to maintain certain stuff and account for the stuff. (it's probably too sensitive to be mentioned)
I probably wanna talk more about the RnR portion of the trip.
First stop was Kao Hsiung City - the city that has nothing to offer except boring nightlife and un-picturesque scenery. It was so lame that I didn't take much photos. The night markets, however, had pretty delicious food like fried chix cutlet, barbequed squid (fantastic), milkshakes (yummy) and mee sua. That was the only reason that made the trip less painful. Oh but there's this shopping mall called the Dream Mall that was pretty exciting. It had like 8-storeys of retail shops ranging from cheaper home brands to international luxury boutiques (Gucci, YSL, Escada, etc.) I basically just rushed to Gucci to take a look la. Just a look. It's so much more pleasant to shop in such places because there's no crowd. Not exactly very cheap because we couldn't claim for tax refund. So, ya, didn't get anything, yet.
Just so you know, TW hotels (just as most hotels in the world) mostly have about 2-3 channels dedicated to horny boys/men with charged-up testosterones and nowhere else to relieve the tension. There's Japanese and European pornographic materials on cable. And you can never believe the imagination of these porn writers/ directors. The storyline is like the cheesiest you can find and I swear it's more amusing than you would think it to be.
Just to enlighten you on some: There's this female worker in the office who got raped by her boss. A fellow colleague came in to console her after she was raped and she started getting fresh with this colleague and leaned in for sex. Then a few other men colleagues came in and caught them in action and everybody thought she was a slut and started raping her one by one. Then the first dude she was having sex with thought she was a whore and raped her all over. I can't really remember how it ended but I was really entertained.
Pornography has been around for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. The only problem was that nobody had DVD players back then, so their only options were to enjoy pornography in the form of sculptures, paintings, and cave drawings instead of the more convenient movie format we have come to enjoy so much in modern times. The good thing about the pornographic sculptures, paintings, and cave drawings, however, is that it allowed people to make the penis pretty much as big as they felt like instead of being limited to the just ten or twelve inches at best that we tend to see in most of today's popular adult films. There was even one sculpture where the guy's penis was so big, it looked like some sort of kickstand or something. And just to end off with some visual aids:
Most pornography experts were from England and -- based on outward appearances anyway -- really didn't seem like the kind of people who would be into pornography of any era, much less ancient pornography featuring some of the largest penises I have ever seen. Most of these experts sounded like scholars who might be more at home talking about Shakespeare or the finer points of Gothic architecture instead of cave drawings depicting full-on butt sex. One guy even had a full beard. As any reasonable person will tell you, the moustache is pretty much the only way to go when it comes to porn, no matter what the era. And it doesn't matter whether you're actually making porn or if you're just talking about porn -- generally speaking, you should lose the beard; unless of course you're talking about gay porn of the bear variety, in which case not only is the beard encouraged, it is pretty much mandatory.
If you are confused at this point, please do not blame me. The rules of porn were invented long ago. And while I myself am often confused by their many layers and complexities, I'm just telling you the facts as I know them.
Ultimately, however, I have to admit that watching porn is not unlike eating a McDonald's value meal -- it seems like a really good idea at the time, but when it's all over you feel pretty unsatisfied and sometimes even disgusting. Still, there is something about it that keeps you coming back. Especially late at night, when you are really, really drunk and all alone. What the hell is wrong with you anyway?
And just to end off with some visual aids:
