These days have been so freaking easy that it's starting to weird me out. Just played two days of Mahjong. On Fri, Eugene, Salim, Dixon, Daniel, Ding came over to play Wii Guitar Heroes, Super Smash Brawls and Raving Rabbids and later we played some MJ which I obviously won. We played all the way till 7am on Sat morn and we all collapsed on the sofa till I sent them home at 9 plus. Then following on Sat afternoon, Keli, Eric, Jenn, Xinhui came over to play MJ which I obviously won again. I'm so good I can't help it!
A classic photo that I NEED TO SHARE:

Just look at Keli's expression. OMG. HAHAHA! Hilarious.
Last night, I got to thinking about how short-lived some relationships can be. These are usually with people whom you initially expect some kinda romantic returns and when they don't work out, the relationship (friendship or not) ends completely. It's very practical; when people don't get what they want they automatically flock to another crowd or environment in search for a new interest. And for most lonely hearts, there's always a certain amount of desire, whether we like it or not, that the next person who walks through the door will be the one we want to spend more than just a brief moment with. Expectations. Loneliness. Why are we always upset over the negative things in our lives that we forget all the good things that we have? Like friendships and passion?
At the end of the day, we just want to find someone we can be co-dependent with. Somebody who protects you when you're vulnerable, somebody who gives you warmth and comfort.