Old friends die hard.
Went Sentosa with same ppl and the unusual company. Then we were exchanging thoughts, having deep conversations about directions, ambition, wishes, fears, desires, needs and basically all our life entails. Like how to manage our lives in future? What is it we want? How do we run it so that our goals remain aligned with reality.
Can you imagine?
It seems almost like some time back we were talking about simple interests like favourite music, shows, and making stupid jokes and laughing like crazy people. Now, we're more focussed than ever about our own lives.
Dreams? Who knows if we can ever get what we want but it's worth a shot. There's no saying we can achieve all we want but every desire deserves some effort.
A few more years down the road, we would split paths and pursue our dreams and hopes and work so hard just to fulfil other dreams on hand - travelling, contributing to society, etc. All these need money you know. Ha.
What happens if we get too tired and no more can we do? No more motivation. When it becomes too tempting to give up. What is our push factor? Is it the riches and the popularity or the same dreams we have now?