You know the movie
Catch Me If You Can (2002) starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hanks? I didn't know it was based on a true story till recently, after I've re-watched it. I was like WOAH, seriously? Then I did some googling and wiki-ing:
Frank William Abagnale, Jr. (born April 27, 1948) is a former check con artist, forger and imposter who, for five years in the 1960s, passed bad checks worth more than $2.5 million in 26 countries. During this time, he used eight aliases — even more to cash bad checks. Currently he runs Abagnale and Associates, a financial fraud consultancy company. His life story provided the inspiration for the feature film Catch Me if You Can, nominally based on his ghostwritten biography of the same name.He actually had a book on it! I'm so gonna get my hands on it!
And he actually appeared on a TV show back in the 70's "To Tell the Truth".
Posted Jan 02, 2003After doing his time for impersonating everybody from a stock broker to an airline pilot, Abagnale went on the hit TV game show To Tell the Truth and was fingered by the judges!
This was actually a scene from the movie itself, but of course with Dicaprio playing his counterpart. He himself actually had a small role as a French policeman in the film. Now, how interesting is that?!!
This is Dicaprio and Frank Abagnale himself!Apparently he was too smart to be kept in jail; so he was recruited to fight against check forgery and fraud for the FBI as his atonement for his sins.