Modern World.
wah i actually typed a post that long in chinese. i think its seriously a creative piece of work.
went for PAYM (or wadeva) concert because my fantastically phenomenal wives are there. MY beautiful S.H.E. (
well, what more do i have to say
they rocked the house like nobody’s business (is the font getting weirder?..)
it was an unprecedented moment where you truly feel the magic superstars have upon avid, or should i say, crazy (literally) fans. we all went haywire when they stormed the stage with incredible grace and simultaneously, exude boundless confidence and an aura of .. of.. eh, angelic-superstar-feel? (haha i dunno la). you can't really put words to describe this phenomenon, it's just magical. really!!
well, i dun regard them as my lawful, legitimate and to-die-for wives if they hadn't such gifted abilities
anyways, they sang
觸電 我們怎麼了 不想長大 AND SUPERSTAR.
everyone went delirious becos the atmosphere was too high and all lightsticks moved in a uniform front-back direction according to the rock tempo of SuperStar!!! it was the ultimate climax of the entire show or rather the ONLY climax (For me la)
being a superbly-enthusiast of asia's top pop female group - S.H.E. i was all high. stomping my feet, waving my stick (i mean the one tt glows... what were u thinking?) vigorously, and singing as loudly as I can while @ the same time trying to find the golden opportunity to scream
老婆田馥甄 我愛你 !!!!you know u need the strategic moment of silence for your shouts to be heard. or it will be simply lost in the sea of screams by large blocks of somewhat irritating fans
something i wished i had the chance to say to my wife:
喂, 種田的
希望你知道短頭髮雖很可愛 但我還是比較喜歡你長發飄飄的風騷樣
不過我仍然愛你 因為古時說法-愛一個人就得喜歡他的全部 一點都沒錯
所以繼續過著你酷酷的生活 不想說話就別說 但還是希望你能恢復一點以往的三八樣 比較討喜
HAHA omg tts so lame, i'm laughing @ it myself.............
anywyas civilisation rocks.. rocks to the max! coooolll game la!!!!!!!
i actually progressed to the modern era already lo. with internet, hollywood, broadway and space rocket stuff.. played till 5am yest morn. totally zonked after tt. =.=
gotta go, OP tmr. siannnnnnnnnn x100000
i was a really engaging audience. i waved the lightstick for almost all songs sang by all singers including johnathan leong (man his talking voice is so llooooowwww), hady, blah blah
first, i wanted to tone my arms. u know the constant force and pressure acting on your arm muscles is some taxing shit. never miss a chance to shed flabs! HAHAHA
second, it would be really pathetic if no one responds to the singers on the stage. (ohhh i'm sooo thoughtful)
為您介紹亞洲新團體力量保證轟動乐壇的獨一無二實力派新天團隆重登場 - P.G.H. (Prada, Gucci, Hang Ten) 呵呵呵呵呵呵呵三位都具有獨特的桑音, 分為高音,高低音, 以及常走音的破壞力歌喉高亢的桑音, 擁有無限的穿透力,在吵鬧的人群中仍然能聽到這三位具爆發力的天賴之音創作形歌手 他們才華橫溢 每人能扺擋得住那萬仗光芒無限的可能 無限的力量 風靡全世界未來火熱之星 你不可以 不可能 不應該 錯過 完全 完美 百萬人的最愛 他們是 P.G.H.專輯介紹1) 第一輕鬆主打 抒情搖滾風 - 愛笑 自己作詞作曲的主打顯示了三位毫無限制的想像力和寫作才華 專輯主打合三位的個性非常相似 都很愛笑2) 第二抒情主打 催淚情歌 - 想哭 再此讓三位的成熟寫作和非與倫比的過人才華在這首歌淋漓盡致的表現出來 盡情流露的療傷情歌 讓你聽了一定掉淚3) 第三可愛主打 - 可樂之歌 特別的編曲是三人精心構思的概念 前所未有的音樂新風潮 你不可能錯過再次隆重呈現 銷售過千萬張的實力天團 P.G.H.
lazzzy to blog so just post some pics.

getting ready to go to imm.


恐怖片. 猪妖复仇记.
saw this kid on the train. super cute. i'm not a paedophile!
Diary is so freaking scary la.. it's not a paranormal film though but it just gives you the creepss.. one thing is that the tempo of the movie is really quite retarded.. as a result, i was distracted by this couple trying to steal kisses of each other behind my row. their row was completely filled la. so obscene hahaha.. nevertheless, i couldn't stop watching, it was just too interesting!
"eh! got ppl kissing behind!!" i whispered to enjiao as softly as i could though there was obvious excitement in my tone. ahahhaa actually it was nth much la..
anyways we went to eat LJS after the show @ vivo.. then chatted for a while played some silly games and took off..
couldnt slp so went darren's hse to play comp la.. he lent me those cheapo discs he bought @ dirtcheap prices from cheeena.. so pirated lo :S
anyways i'm so glad i've finally got the time to relive my fav pastimes - watching movies. for these few days i've caught like 5, 6 shows of which some are down****** (can't be too blatant u see) hahahaha
okie.. i'm gonna cont rotting on the net while thinking of what nice shows to catch next. tmr is S.H.E'S AUTOGRAPH SESSION @ IMM................................ i'm going ikea to buy my chair tmr morn. bye bye guys, rest well and do your work!!!
Oh, caught several movies recently.
Deathnote which was superb.
The Prestige which was rather good.
The Departed which was pretty fine.
Next: Scoop starring Hugh Jackman + Scartlett Johannsson (how ever u spell her name)
I strongly recommend you guys check Pink's Stupid Girls video (youtube). It's freaking funny!!
You see her mimicking Jessican Simspon (car wash scene from These Boots are made for walking) and Paris Hilton (the last scene of girl in full pink) and other girls.. it's reallllly amusing.
My forearms are freaking itchy. Got sunburnt yesterday la.. The itch only set in this morn. Got so itchy that I woke up in shock to see my arms lobster red. Went sailing with 14o6 ppl who signed up for sailing at ECP. It was pretty okie but I got really seasick in the middle of everything....... Ms Naomi Tan said JX and me were the best team la.. woohoo. hahahaha, ya anyways
If you had realised, it's only 9am now. So early!! I'm gonna play ps2 today.. totally misses it. FF 12 or issit 13 is coming out soon (according to ej). CAN'T WAIT.
OP sucks.. PW sucks.. like realllly sucks. I heard next year they're going to take it out from syllabus........ WT* gnd la
Oh ya and next wed is results day, 5-in-1. It's either you get promoted or not, nothing much or if you cont with 4H2. Good luck to everyone.
This is creepily accurate. Get to know yourself betterYour view on yourself:You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Okie you know sometimes human beings have the tendency of describing their lives too melodramatically. -Guilty-
Previous post was so over (disgusting!)
Pls allow me to be indulgent for once.
I dun wanna go sch tmr. Pls grant me my well-deserved rest and allow me to seek solace in music. I'm just too exhausted, I'm sorry.
On another note, I'll still go for open hse. That is, I'll reach school by 12 plus. haa.
Okie, nites.
According to darren, Singapore has 孫扁胸 (燕姿) and Taiwan has her very own 蔡大奶!!!!!!!!!
We all totally rolled on floor laughing at this joke. Figure out who that is if you don't know.
We went Kbox today and totally rocked the house la. Anyways after that went Kino to immerse ourselves in the sea of knowledge + softporn. Some magazines were o.O
I finally bought the book! wanted to buy it since I saw Teri Hatcher publicised it on Oprah. wOOHOO!!

Aiya.. i too lazzzzy to keep blogging. Off to think of sth to do. ciao!
Okie people are you ready? We're gonna
rockkk.. tmr, is the day. It's THE day. It's THE BIG day. Once the clock strikes 10.40, we're off the clutches of sickening exam. We're free (not literally of course).
We're gonna be happier than we've ever been.Now, I'm already planning tmr's schedule. But shit gotta do crap stuff for Open House.
TJC Open House, Friday, 13 OctTime: 2 - 6pmVenue: VJ.. no la, It's TJ (duh?!)All come visit my humble stall under
LT2 though your presence do not make any difference. Shanks.
I'm totally in love with C.Aguil. Jenn stop fighting with me la.. I'm already her Mr Aguilera.
Are IT ppl gg Kbox tmr? Wadeva. I just wanna play. Should I buy fishes? No.. I should buy clothes first, and PS2 games, and clock, and
keyboard and hunt for
Teri Hatcher's "Burnt Toast".我要飛我要追自由 阿! 多美麗的天空阿!!
Your Power Color Is Gold |
At Your Highest: You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you. At Your Lowest: You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life. In Love: You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude. How You're Attractive: You passion for life makes others passionate about you. Your Eternal Question: "Am I Having Fun?" |
Your 2005 Song Is |
Don't" Cha by the Pussycat Dolls "Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like meDont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me" What happens in 2005, stays in 2005! |
What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
People Envy Your Confidence |
You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself. |
People Envy Your Confidence |
You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself. |
I took this test and I thought it was pretty accurate.
You Are An INFP | The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
Your Italian Name Is... |
Orlando Costa |
Went for F.I.R's music showcase thingy at J8. It was supposed to be an autograph session as well. Eric won the tix from somewhere.
The conversation was in mandarin.
Me: "Oh, it's an autograph session also leh.."
Eric: "Oh really! I dun have the album"
Me: "Neither do I -.-"
- we gave each other the "what are we doing here then" look -
Me: "I downloaded their album leh.. burnt copy can not? HAHA"
Eric: "Then you write "Fei Xing Bu Luo" (album title) on the disc la"
WAHAHAHA........ how pirated la. my goodness.
Anyways their live singing was really impressive.. Definitely not lip-sync and really I have nothing to complain about. Impeccable. But as usual, as much as I like Faye's singing, her emcee-ing part is horrible.. always leave a blank for people to fill in themselves. I mean you're supposed to substantiate any possible quiet moments and yet, she occasionally ended her speech with a lousy joke then laughed it off with a short, non-chalent laugh. I mean its like................
传说中的"冷场"~~~~~~ Okie I'm quite beat already.. turning in.. nites..
finally decided to revive my blog.
I'm left with the very last paper!!! CHEMISTRY. next tue spells freedom. To all other JC friends: stop casually bringing up you've ended your promos. I hate you =Xx!! haha kidding.
Anyways, Math was totally a breeze. I mean the studying part cos I didn't, literally. Merely read thru' notes during TV commercials, oh woah we all know how productive that is.
Obviously, the paper was a killer. Dead.
To be truthful, I have not much confidence in my Econs this time round. My essay felt incomplete due to time constraint. My last page was like graffiti page. But I thought it should be comprehendable la.. can't be that bad right?.. They won't be so mean as to mark me down for horrendous handwriting right? I mean enjiao passed exams with her kinda handwriting.. so what can be wrong with mine? RIGHT???!! haha.
Back to my life: today was pretty sickly. I meant really, I think I murdered 10 trees.
I only managed to finish reading chem bonding notes.. trying to keep my mind focused.. haiya heck la.. can't care less.
Anyways, I really love those shows on Hallmarks!! It's like really nice or what!
I mean shows like Judging Amy, Just Cause, blah blah. and they're bringing the Nanny back!!!!!!!! OMG!! FRAN DESCHER rocks.. she's the nanny with the nasal voice (or is it naval? wadeva) she's freaking funny. i mean really.. she's toooooooo funny. HAHAHA..
What I like about Judging Amy is Amy (like duh). She's this juvenile court judge who is so passionate about her job and smart and ya... everything else. Best is, she's so confident of herself that she doesn't pin hopes on others (including religion).. just her (or is it she?) and herself. I mean as a judge she's supposed to be secular and all. And she's exceptionally in control of herself and does what she thinks is right and does what is to be done. I hope the fact that I like her being unrelated to any religion doesn't seem blasphemous or what cos I sometimes can't stand people stuffing me with loads of crap about you know what.
Anyways, I need to go watch TV again. ADDICTED liao. bye!!