I actually survived two tests today. Kudos to myself. I felt more excited today when I exited Chem Lab than when Os ended last year. You will not believe the rationale behind - my emotions were totally suppressed when I studied for the Chem test cos it was really sapped off every ounce of energy I had left when I was revising for it and the final outburst of relief and joy made me feel really light and free. Even I was amazed by how overpowering the emotion became, I thought I would just be happy, but I was REALLY happy!
Okie, so much for the blabbering.
I was so humiliated just now at interchange cos I didn't know you could actually top up your EZlink card with Nets? and there's actually a machine especially to serve this almighty purpose. I mean it really slashes queueing time. But I apparently didn't know how you actually operate the machine. So not user-friendly! I tried inserting the stupid card into the reader and it kept ejecting it. I was like WT? Then Momo came and simply pressed the value on the screen that indicates the top-up value. I was kinda embarassed cos sok han and the rest were mocking me!
Don't laugh lo pls! I'm just not that savvy.
I think I'm really having PMS. Get kinda touchy nowadays. Don't poke me cos I'll blow. GRRR..
Evil thoughts for you to ponder: If he ever catches fire, it'll probably blow up the whole city!
I'm starving. Dinnertime!! =))