Modern World.
eh, guess my tagboard has some prob.
replies to tags here.
jenn: wadeva la.. haha.. tt shirt is nice lo. anyways the outing u guys go fix la.. i weh mang su ma? su bun daooo. ANYWAYS, i think the spilling is really dumb la .. so paiseh.. -slaps-
kelvin: gnd la okie. hahaha.. my blog is considered very updated already okie. try looking @ the previous blogs. hahaha... anways, here are obviously all 38s la. der.
omg my
nano revived. super elated. thank god.
okie now dear
doby can do a couple of stuff already.
1) sit
2) up (stand on hind legs)
3) down (learnt it real quick)
4) off (to move away from sth when commanded)
5) jump through the hoola-hoop (only when he sees food on the other side)
okie i slept till 11 am this morn.
damn it! i missed "the sch of chih-yung"
A*MEI was in it la.. damn me.
already missed it on sat nite (studying @ mac w darren + eric)
then i missed it agn on sun morn.. wadeva la.
then i was doing chem homework.. a few MCQs but i spent like so long on it cos i was w/o a calculator and periodic table.
somehow, i was too lazy to get up to get it.. so i just tried to search the internet for the periodic table and calculator simulator, but obviously, to no vain.
anyways, some blanks here and there. just copy from friends can liao la.
oh, then i was watch "
The Nanny" (this whole week's episode)
omg, i just love the show.. super entertaining..
Fran Fine is just super adorable.
after tt, i think i went to take a nap till 7pm till my sis woke me up for dinner.
then we trained doby the tricks above.. apparently he had too much treats.
he looks super bloated.
hahaha.. very cute la..
okie i've got nth to say alr. cya guys.
crashed NYJC's
disco night just now
the bands were not really good
not much ppl there either
damn councillors kicked me out the first time
clever me smuggled in w darren's friends n juliet, etc.
some photos we took:
fangyi looks
damn gross in the pic
ai neh +
jenn (in tt irritating
yellow shirt.)
juliet (dumb-looking and all the -ve remarks) +
kelvin (
ugly and all the -ve remarks - haha kidding). "wow, how similar"
fangyi +
michelle - with tt sickening "cheena accent" (act cute daooo.)
yiying +
enjiao +
desmond (
2 monsters +
1 beast)
darren - let's get
retarded (slow, pentium 1 guy.)
haha.. tt's abt all. everyone was there.
after tt we went kovan prata shop
stayed there till 11pm
then we all went home..
tired now. gtg bye guys
P.S. cheerleading tmr @ 8.30am. SIAN DAOOO.
omg i wanna complain
i seriously have issues with SBS bus transit.
i think they should either buy bigger buses or just go to hell
1) bus seats are now so packly aligned such that there is so little space between your seat and the one in front. thus leading to an extremely restricted area for any leg movement. my knees were starting to hurt after 10 min of bus ride. the constant pressure acting upon my knees when i sit in the most normal manner just starts to dig me. it was almost impossible to even move an inch with my legs so badly cramped up and i got really annoyed. but i thought to myself, it's gonna be over soon so i coerced myself to calm down and hence tried to divert all my attention to the fantastic music on my ipod nano.
2) after like 20 min or so, the air condition started dripping water. now i'm pissed. first one drop - landed on the black, hold-on thingy. den after tt it started to fall onto my bag. i shifted my bag den it fell onto my pants. i was FREAKIN PISSED. becos u nv know when will the next drop fall and you can't exactly dodge it. the whole water-drip-from-air-con thing persisted till i alighted at my stop which was an immense relief for me because i finally can rush home to get cleaned up and blog abt the dumb incident.
okie, enough of the crappy complain
i was reading chem notes just now. finally understood what on earth happened in "atomic structure". but there's another lecture on tt tmr. i'd better attend. but there's cheerleading tmr. i am so determined not to go. i seriously am too lazy to commit. so heck care. the coach can come and look for me for all i care. i'll just tell him straight in the face i'm not interested. wadeva, go to hell.
omg, doby just got his head stuck and he screamed like shit. "sayang baby"
haha. cya guys.
hey guys
today was another flat, mundane, uninteresting day of my life
well, there's not much of a point to lead an overly interesting life (to me, that is.)
reached home at around 2 plus pm today.
super happy to be home early
finally have the time to watch the DVDs i bought from m'sia (Genting)
i watched scary movie
haha, another lame show
but i laughed harder for scary movie 3
searching for part 2 of that movie
anyone saw it? pm me. thanks
played around with doby.
he's really a sweet baby. but real playful
keeps running out of the house and he loves to chew the grass
why ar? mad dog.
he can sit and stand la hahaha! super cute when he does the standing
cool dog.
finally found some time to revise some work
read the econs notes on elasticity.
econs rocks la, damn cool.
might consider taking business degree after all.
science super turns me off now. -eew-
math is still the ultimately worst subject ever. -vomits-
unfortunately, it's mandatory.
so mum employed a tutor for me.
he writes math books. must be some professional, ain't it cool? haha
but i'm just plain lazy la. but wad to do. must be a guai kia.
okie, i'm not really slpy now cos i took a 2 hr nap just now
(oohh, i just love afternoon naps.)
hahaha.. signing off, cya guys ard. =)
hey hey
my first day in TJC full sch u.
greens. greens. greens la. wad else? hahaha..
anyways i dun really care.
o, i pang sehed shi min cos i ponned cheerleading today.
haha, i'm sorry but i'm really not interested.
(enjoy the pom poms, ernest & mao)
okie, my timetable rox.
release times as follows:
monday + tuesday - 1250 pm
wed - 1440
thur - 1630 (Argh, longest day, but considered short as compared to those VJCians.) hahahha
fri - 1100 AM!!!!!!!!! but then gotta stay in sch till 12 for dismissal. hahaha but den who really cares.
haha, bet jenn n whoever is reading this like (su 38 - mo xiao ling, etc.) are freakin pissed by my slacky timetable. hahaha.
"aww.. one bird"
die die die.
i really can't catch up my math la.
asked my mum to find tutor liao.
cannot make it liao la. the tutor same somemore - mr wong moi seng (thanks la)
hahaha... anyways he looks like Mr Bean (animated series) hahahaha lol
he doesn't push/coerce us to do the tutorials la. den i'm so lacking of motivation to do it. nvm, i shall b more discipline. i'll read the notes later while waiting for superstar results. hahaha.
okie, after sch darren (fan de lor) pestered me to lunch w him
well, i was pretty disinterested by tt idea
so, i called eric
then, he decided to pon GP (ta shi bad boy bad boy! ni de ai rang wo tai wu nai)
afterwhich, i called xiaoling + jenn
expectedly, they decided to pon wadeva they haf as well
haha-ly, we met @ parkway for lunch
woohoo-ly, it was fun and i bought a bone thingy for doby
shockingly, he finished like 78% of it alr la!! it's suppose to last for like at least 2 days.
fatty doby. haha
after tt, mahjong sessions for eric, jenn, me and the "Fan de lor" darren. he's like man daooo. haha.. but today got a teeny weeny bit of progress. he takes like 3 sec less to throw his tile (after constant shoutings from us) played till like 6.30 then they went home liao.
okie, tmr got mass PE. sian la
hope no need to make-up the ftm i ponned one la.. mai an neh. i'll die la.
okie dokie. i'm signing off here, nth interesting to write liao. haha
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try to push down this photo
anyways, CG 1406 rox.
omg. i'm gg for 2IT chalet very soon.
so excited to be w those crazy ppl agn!
haha. they simply rock my world.
anyways, forgot 2 wish sheau wei happy bday on her bday (11 mar)
haha, well, nvm then. HAHA.
omg, i'm gonna miss doby. he's gonna b so sad w/o me ard
if he ever dares to forget me when i come back he'll be so dead. no more treats. haha
well, it's a one wk break starting from now. however, there's not much excitement abt this holidays since everyday has been a holiday since start of this yr, so it's kinda diff-less. haha
today finally met up AArians to give them their presents. it's like finally.
darren's new shirt is like kinda weird esp the checkered collar. refer to diagram. john's shirt is nice la but then he doesn't seem to like it as much.

then they came over to see doby. he's super tired today i think.. looked so exhausted and was too lazy to even walk quickly. hence i had to use his tidbit to seduce him haha.
went for his grooming today anyways.

okie, i'm lazy to continue typing. end here then.
sore throat.
got a male dog - doby cute n everything
o2 - sians
shan't continue, i'm dead beat.
went to watch pink panther friday. not really impressive but beyonce can really sing plus she's really pretty.
okie today was a normal sunday; warm and nice
dad finally agreed to buy us a puppy (mini maltese) after like yrs of persuasion
he relented when he knew we were rather prepared for the 1st grandson/daughter of our family (haha, dad refuses to be the dog's father)
anyways, he gave us 2 grands for the dog plus some necessities.
we went scouting for dog but couldn't find the breed we wanted so we just went home after that
found a really gr8 deal 680-750 bucks for a mini-maltese (though we haven't seen the actual dog yet) which will arrive in 2-3 wks.
meanwhile sis will continue searching in pet shops for the right one.
it should be a bitch anyways, named CoCo (tentative)
omg. tmr i gotta reach sch @ 6.40am. it's freakin early especially when i only board the bus at tt time
luckily mum agreed to fetch me if not i'll just skip the freakin orientation tmr (TJC orientation: 5 days)
appeal to VJC will be only let known tmr nite, hope to get thru though i srsly dun mind tj alr. cos i'm so drawn to the psychology elective programme (cool, ain't it)
look for me when u feel u're getting nuts or sth, i'll help u. hahahaha
wow. nice time now, 11.11pm. haha
anyways, can't really get to slp now, no idea why. tmr's gonna be a long day, i presume. will reach home @ least 7 i guess, considering how busy orientation is. as an ogl, i dunno the mass dances! freakin caroline will bust my ass. nvm, i'll just fake dance on tt day haha or just run to the bathroom or sth, i'll not be so easily spotted when i'm in bright orange while others will be in white Orientation Tee, will i? o crap.
o o o! i love a*mei. her new album is just marvellous. melancholy, soulful, seasoned singing style. finally reverted back to her good olden day style teaching with a tinge of rnb mixed effect. kudos to her. well, she's asia's pop queen so whoelse deserves these praises?
anyways, to those who are unhappy w their posting, just live w it. it's just 2 yrs la. u survived sec sch, u will do so now. after tt, we all are gonna have an A lvl cert --> degree --> masters. so who cares which college u r from when u go tt far. just know u're destined to be where u are, u'll form different chemistry w diff ppl in a diff environment. be happy.
okie, getting a little yawny. haha no such word i think.
bye, nites.
Upon hearing NJC only accepts partial 5 pointers, I'm doomed.
If I were to stay in TJ I must as well kill myself now cos i've not learnt a single mass dance when i'm an OGL plus i have like 1 million PEs to make up for. sad sad sad
jenny said something about our class today that sent me thinking.
albeit being extreme enthusiasts in almost all non-intellectual activities, ppl there are really very critical abt others. discrimination. leaving out others n some are really unwelcoming to the others. we're all just human beings of the same age and who gives them the right to judge others? it's not fair but those who are being disliked and ostracised should reflect on their behavoiur as to how do they become an object of discrimination. wadeva the case, just hope they find the true meaning to understand each other.
i'm crashing national jc tmr. really hope to get in cos i think tj is nt exactly attractive. especially my class. just can't click well with them, no idea why. i think sports is the only link between guys and sadly, i'm a indoor person. all those balls just turns me off. no guys enjoy recreational hobbies like singing or reading or just plain gossiping. how sad. so hard to find AArians or ppl like 2IT.
i'm so charmed by US dramas.
Desperate housewives and charmed simply rocks!
local drama serials are like *omg*
not tt i'm being unsupportive but the quality of local shows is really uncomparable to the standards of US shows. maybe it's the speech/ dialogue parts. as in the language spoken. i can't stand ppl using singlish on national tv - far too informal
plus, singaporeans speak in a very unflattering manner.. not nice to listen to.
guess i'd better end here.
bye guys n pray for my jae posting on 3mar.