Modern World.
I bet you heard about the Surge@MOS incident - some RJ and ACS guys battling it out (literally) for some girl who has an unusual name. The objective of the event was to create interest in boxing amongst youth and encourage them to engage in this healthy form of exercise =.=
Not to much surprise, this saga led to another one of considerable public uproar and dissatisfaction preponderantly from parents, educators and general public. Fighting. Violence. Degradation of moral values. Increase in teenagers-involved crime rates. Deemed uncivilised and childish. These are some possible problems that could arise if the boxing game is brought to a higher level of awareness and utility.
Now, that's the problem with many Singaporeans or people, in fact.
Most of us constantly take sides without considering pros and cons of any situation. We often become overly judgemental and narrow-minded, eventually leading to a often, negative first conclusion of anything that has been traditionally deemed "not politically/ socially/ morally correct". Like in this case, most of us would think that "ai yo.. how can fight for some stupid shit? violence is detrimental to social standards and moral values.. tsk tsk" Of course, I'm speaking for myself as well because I'm raised in such a society where condemnation of "bad" activities is always a first take on such stuff. Failure to see the big and overall picture of the issue leads to unreliable and sometimes, wrong critics being made.
Who can we blame? Essentially, no one.Because this
practice has been put in place for numerous generations and passed down from parents, siblings and teachers that there is a whole list of categorised bad things you shouldn't do because you bring shame to everyone especially yourself should you get involved in it. So, to be calculative, you blame these people for inculcating such values in you or what? I dunno, it's your call. But I think there's really no justifications to play the blame game here because no one coerced you to think that way. That's where independent thinking and self-awareness comes to play. You make your own judgement, have your own perspective, regardless of how whoever, or whatever may respond to what you say.
Allow me to further illustrate the "why an instant condemnation of boxing" point. To use an example, if you see two men (A and B) fighting on the streets because B was betraying A (in anyhow, it's up to you haha) and A hits B so hardly that B bleeds. B retaliates with a solid punch on A's abdomen (but A shows no clear sign of bleeding). Naturally, we'll rush off to B and check if he's okie and stuff. Meanwhile, glaring at A with a disapproving sneer. Again, it's our well-developed EQ that took the better of us; losing control over emotions and make irrational or rash decisions such as to attend to A.
"But B is bleeding leh.. of cos his life is more important"
I completely agree with that but to give a charitable explanation, what if A was suffering from internal bleeding which is obviously more severe. HAHA. that's not the point, point is -
it is only humane to side the "victim" and disregard the "culprit". That is, the POV being established based on purely what we see within that frame of time.Human's high EQ and lack of rationality in making quick decisions manifests itself in such incidents, just as the boxing thingy. We all know violence is a big no-no and no one should even talk about it, let alone encourage participation in it. As a result, our instantaneuous reaction would expectedly be "CANNOT!! CANNOT!!! CANNOT!!!!". We fail to treat it with an open-mind and disregard the possible benefits like encourage teenagers to engage in a fun and high-calorie-burning sport, more exposure to different varieties of sports, re-modelling the image of boxing (redefining the meaning of violence in boxing), etc. blah blah.
Whatever the case, I think it's most important to always have your own views and be able to make a stand without being biased or inequitable.
Personally, I think the disadvantages definitely outweigh the advantages because the benefits are generally more difficult to be achieved. How do you expect everyone to change mindsets overnight? Those resistant to changes are usually less-educated people mainly due to insecurity but then again, people as educated as me, also fail to see how the benefits can even bring more SMB than SMC. haha..
okie la i very lazy cont so tt's abt it. OH and did I mention they were fighting over some girl (how lame is that???? it's really really immature and so now the RJ and ACS guys treat the girl as some commodity and this again shows a lack of respect to women. lousy shit.)
SLC over. had a pretty good time. though the mosquitoes truly suck loads.
did so many cool stuff during the camp. but i'm not a bit excited abt blogging cos it'll be far too long. just to make a few things concise.
i jumped into the sea from a moving boat.
i did flying fox into the water.
i built some silly raft and walked in the sea with it.
i climbed a rock wall (yes, all the way to the top)
i climbed a coconut tree (agn, all the way to the top)
i completed a dumb obstacle course.
i didn't sleep until 5++ am on one of the nights becos the mosquitoes just won't leave me alone.
i used up 3/4 of a new bottle of insect repellant.
i played bridge like umpteen times.
i made quite a few cool frens.
& i think i did sth else. just cant rmb.
sidenote: covenant sucks. other than the CGI that was not too bad, the storyline was pathetic. predictable like hell. heng only spent 5 bucks on it.... yup u got it. princess~ hahaha
Man tmr's outing's gonna be dreadful. i know it. i'm clairvoyant. eeks
Yesterday was a whole load of fun cos it was cls outing to Sentosa.
I cant get over the hugely funny stunt put up by ming wei. oh my shake that ass HAHA.... damn cute and funny. hmm should i post the video here? haha i should maybe later.
the rain didn't dampen our mood at all cos it only made the sunshine seem even more worthwhile. played some ball and some games in the sea. got all sandy and grossed out by some irky microorganisms in the sea that stings ruthlessly and indiscriminately. scrubbed myself real thorough when i finally got the chance to rinse off all those impurities.
cant imagine my nxt visit to lovely Sentosa would be with those chinaereans. omg just murder me now.
on a completely unrelated topic, why is it that we can believe something they haven't seen or scientifically proven with solid facts and evidence when sometimes, we don't even believe what we see. we're skeptical abt everything, or more often rather cynical. i mean we should be for everything will seem like matter-of-fact already and the inquisitive side will be regrettably neglected. its what we not know spur us to better our knowledge. makes sense, doesn't it?
okie, digressing. anyways i was saying why trust sth that you can't prove to be real or are unsure if its even trustworthy and not put all your faith and hope in sth that you can tangibly control? omg this makes so much sense. not that not trusting yourself makes u a complete loser; so pathetic that you cant look yourself agn in the mirror, but isnt it easier to pin your hopes on sth you can actually feel and naturally gain control over? it makes your life a lot less perplex and inevitably, more purposeful. for all the reason i can list, the whole idea is that you are as powerful as you think you are. seeking an answer by yourself gives more satisfaction than hoping someone/sth will light your path along the way (still, there's no guarantee for anything other than death and taxes).
okie enough of the preaching (or more aptly known as bull-shitting) haha arrgh you see human beings are highly complicated organism; they do what they hate most and they like it. =X (just as the case - watching horror to scare themselves; watching stupid poignant movies to make themselves cry)
finished my OP already. the presentation went smooth but QnA pretty much sucked.
anyways went Swensen's PP after that with JX LB chormin yxiu bekah huiping ruxin zhenghan huixian and momo~~ we helped yxiu celebrate her belated bday. bought her a really small and colourful cake. haha
one of the few cls (or more aptly, half of it) photos we had
i'm really apprehensive abt tmr's op.
esp the q&a part. nvm just pray for the qns we prepared to be thrown right back to our faces.
also all teams from 1406. we can do it woohoo. hahaha
anyways went NLB after pw today.. sick of my script already lo. shitty neh neh hahaha
borrowed freakonomics, where america went wrong, the united states of europe and one more i cant recall. nvm. okie go prep my thingy tmr buhbye
i bought my phone already. cost 448 bucks quite reasonable rite? haha.

can't really take the pic of the phone when i'm using the phone to take it. hahaha
there are some books that i cant wait to get my hands on:
1) the god delusion by richard dawkins. its about asking "is there a god?" and discusses the history of religion and preponderantly disagrees with some beliefs that god-believers possess. suitable for atheists and theists to read. still, i think just take it with a pinch of salt.. such touchy issues are best treated with an open-mind.
Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean. its about american politics - republicans & democrats. if you read the papers, next tue i believe there's some kinda election in US and i'm pretty taken aback by how highly-educated, acclaimed politicians sunk that low to attack and make somewhat groundless denunciation about the opposing party.. this article sorta sparked off an interest in this bk.
3) making globalisation work by nobel prize winner Joseph sth (economist!).. again, you can find his featured article on the papers.
basically that's abt all...... NEWSFLASH: they are all unavailable in NLB yet. though i think you may find them in bookstores............. S H I T.
oh man. hope can go buy my k800i later. buh-bye
found this pretty cool place. we played boardgames there. like taboo and "who has the fastest hands?" or sth along that line.
okie i believe most of us know how to play taboo.
so how to play the hand game?
you're supposed to imitate the hand gesture in the card with your partnerand see who is the slowest pair. they will end up getting that card and the pair with highest number of cards becomes the loser pair.
lame it might sound but when you play with good and highly energetic company, the adrenaline keeps flowing; there's NO and i mean ABSOLUTELY NO moment of silence. our area was probably or rather definitely the most chaotic.. well, wad else is new? hahaha
it's called the mind cafe. they do serve food (hence "cafe") and is situated somewhere near (not really, actually) the cathay paradiz centre or sth la... i was drenched when we reached there. yes, in my sweat. but it was really fun! plus the rate was unexpectedly low. one person only payed like 4 ++ for like 1.75h or so of boardgames. cool stuff~~
finally got my hands on final fantasy 12!
all i can say is i rather like the storyline and the setting and time period etc.
but honestly, the characters are freaking ugly. compared to yuna and company
i mean vaan looks really androgynous and penelo looks more/less hideous.
not really entertained so far. hopefully the game will become more engaging later on :S
finally i dun need to wake up early tmr. thankssssss.