omg this week has been a crazy week and today is yet an even more crazy day.
cheerleading practices all the way this week till pretty late (7-9 plus den release)
today we rocked the school. BETA cheerleading squad forever.
it was so fantastic when the house cheers u on and u just feel the obligations to move every muscle and strain all yr energy on every moves. sharpen all actions and keep to the tempo.
fascinating experience.
afterwhich, ron, bekah, huiping, huixian and me went long john for dinner.
ate - chat till 8.40pm. then bekah, ron and me went to bus stop while huixian and hping went mrt stn.
ron and i chatted while waiting for bus. bekah was @ her berth waiting.
den 87 came and i took off first. haha.. bus was super speedy. reached home pretty quickly.
on the way i told jenn tt jy steading ed. (omg news for her and MXL)
i was super excited to see their rxns.
then jenn called back and we talked till like 10 then i told jenn i needed to bathe.
stinking like shit and my hair was SUPER TOUGH (all the spray thingy blah)
washed it and conditioned it already. soft now! haha
okie i'm gonna play ps2 - kingdom hearts 2 now. chill guys.
wow. exciting news for the music industry.
GLOBAL TOP 10 ALBUMS OF 2005- Sales worldwide.1. Coldplay, X&Y (8.3m)
2. Mariah Carey, The Emancipation of Mimi (7.7m)3. 50 Cent, The Massacre (7.5m)
4. Black Eyed Peas, Monkey Business (6.8m)
5. Green Day, American Idiot (6.4m)
6. Madonna, Confessions on a Dance Floor (6.3m)
7. Kelly Clarkson, Breakaway (6.1m)8. Eminem, Curtain Call (5.5m)
9. James Blunt, Back to Bedlam (5.5m)
10. Robbie Williams, Intensive Care (5.4m)
Source: IFPI
junxiang aka
maid of the day.
we went opp to eat and as usual, we were damn late.
jx rushed to get our bags while the others strolled leisurely to class.

this is
mao liu bo a few hundred years back.
super cute la hahaha

this is tj lt 1 during some lecture.
reminds of a piece of

cute doby. nth else 2 mention besides tt.
some tags before i change to cbox.
jenn: i like tj too! my cls fund's $10 too. just be glas that your notes aint expensive as mine. be glad that you're a first intake. ohya, and im reali glad to hav keli and you to grumble to. seriously.
darren: im saving my mothers money la. tts not called cheap. its called filial.
shit. my tagboard has some serious problem
i can't tag while others can
when i click on "speak"
the tagboard becomes a blank screen
then i try refreshing nth is actually tagged.
gosh. i needa change a tagboard already.
fruitful day today.
met up with jenn and mxl in tj today
it's been a long time since i had a real hard, super loud laugh
mxl is as usual, super lame. really bun daooo. (omg, mao is picking tt up already!! hahaha.. hao xiao daoooo)
jenn is like ever so talkative and 38. hahaha.. but then i really miss them la.
life is so monotonous w/o their crap 2 keep me laughing.
anyways, while i was bathing, i was thinking.
i think only cchms ppl like to gossip, seriously
no one in 1406 loves gossiping la? it's like how weird is tt?
in cchs there's like super many gossips.
maybe because there's nth to gossip abt so far
u know, new environ and all that.
anyways i miss those cchs times but i really like tjc now.
ppl are friendly and nice
great choice to stay.
okie, after sch darren, calcy, yy and i took a bus down to pp to meet it ppl.
went swensens for lunch (i wanted to eat yong tau foo la)
anyways super expensive la.
i had to pay extra 8 bucks for god knows who.
i'm so broke liao la.
then class fund - 10 bucks. gui daooo.
i think tj has spent like so much of my money - so many stuff to buy.
not tt i'm a miser, but i dun get the fact why notes have to be paid by ourselves.
i mean it's like we pay school fees don't we?
and notes should be provided by the sch isn't it?
tt's the way in sec sch wad? if they don't want to spend extra on paper, then get us to buy textbooks la? it's like der.
anyways notes get lost so easily and it's super troublesome to have to select the correct chapter of notes to bring. then if u assume it's not needed, teachers just love to wanna use tt pc of notes u didn't bring on tt day. how coincidental. crap.
after tj's postponed campfire (wet weather - SHIT), we went prata shop
mxl pang seh la. cheap. say need collect thumb drive. lamessss. haha..
then jenn, eric, darren, john, keli and i went down.
i think those ppl are really brainless
they take orders w/o writing the actual order but instead, they just write the price of the item u ordered. i feel so dumb abt it tt i refuse to elaborate.
then keli came and ordered sth else after we paid
darren wanted to walk away w/o paying and he sounded super serious abt it.
john was like - dun "xia suay"
i was like (in my mind) - darren is incredibly cheap. hahaha.
wadeva la.
we went home after tt la.. super sticky and gross. in uniform for like 17h. -eew-
bathed and here i am. blogginggg...
sian la tmr math tuition is CRAP okie. i hate tt damn, old, annoying, self-praise teacher.
i so gonna quite after 4 lessons. tmr is lesson 2 already. (gosh, think i'm supposed to pay alr)
wadeva la.
signing off. cya guys.